Creative and strategic PR, social media, other digital things, events, video, content optimization. Guided by analytics. Usually way more effective by lots of different measures.
On Wednesday, November 10th, teammates from Atomic’s Los Angeles office donned our best cocktail attire and headed out to the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel for the Los Angeles chapter of PRSA’s 46th annual PRISM awards show dinner. This annual awards dinner honors the achievements of public relations professionals throughout the Greater Los Angeles area for their strategic public relations programs on behalf of clients over the past year.
The dinner started at 7:30 pm and by 7:45 pm, as PR pros from multiple agencies were gnawing on their French rolls, Atomic had won two for two! Good thing I was wearing a cute dress, because I certainly showed it off! Clothing aside, I couldn’t be more proud of the work everyone in our office has done on behalf of our clients over the past year.
Our campaign to Save the Hollywood Sign on behalf of our client Trust for Public Land received the big dog Prism award (there I am in picture accepting the award) and our campaign to Re-launch Polaroid by going Gaga (as in Lady Gaga) at CES, received honorable mention. It was a great night and in the illustrious words of my kindergarten teacher, “our hard work showed!”
Rachel Rogers is SVP & managing director Atomic PR // LA
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