3 results tagged “repositioning”

Echelon Corporation: PR Week cover story
Atomic's collaboration with Echelon was a PR Week cover story in November, 2007, and is ongoing today. Echelon Corporation (Nasdaq: ELON) is a global provider of networking products that build intelligence into devices, and systems that allow them to be remotely monitored and controlled over the In...

Linkedin: From Silicon Valley to mainstream business brand
Though the company possessed a high performance in-house public relations program, LinkedIn hired Atomic in late 2006 to help sharpen positioning, expand marketplace and public perception of the site and obtain more coverage about its numerous new features. ComContext™ analysis of historical media...

Rapt: Google-style algorithmic firepower for display advertising - 1 year
Rapt is a company whose solution provides optimized, dynamic pricing for products, manufacturing components, even display advertising. Atomic followed two prior agencies that had experienced difficulty telling Rapt's previously complicated story and generating volume or quality media and blog cover...